Who are we?


Our Mission
Our mission is to help YOU accomplish your health, fitness, and well-being goals in a manner that is organic, balanced, and sustainable.

Our Culture
We are a family friendly, lady friendly and Hijab friendly school. We are not dominated by any one race, ideology or nationality.

We refer to each student by their first name and do not want to grow to a stage where we can’t. We are Emirati owned and managed with full permits and approvals set by the government in place.

We regard each person who walks through our door as an opportunity for us to make this world a better place. We are aware of the blessings that surround us and the potential threats that may approach us. We are peace seekers who are battle ready. We are Alareen.

What do we do?

Our Aim

We aim to be a Middle-East based organization providing a unique, high-frequency training environment that supports and empowers individuals and communities to become fitter, healthier and stronger in ways that are transferable to all aspects of life.

Al Areen’s focus is not only on physical development but goes beyond the physical in its essence, as we strive to help clients and students balance themselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

What makes us Unique?

How We Are Different